James M Sandbrook of
Wairakei Place, Tokoroa, New Zealand.
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Natural Toothache Relief.

You can buy pain relief or you can use Clove Oil.

In the past they would take a clove and push it into the tooth cavity, or crush the clove and put it in the cavity.

Today we use Clove Oil, and today I have a toothache and I remembered the small bottle of Clove Oil that I have, I also have some whole Cloves. So I decided to share this information with you in case you get a toothache in the future.


According to Healthline:
Traditionally, clove oil has been used for easing digestive upset, relieving pain, and helping with respiratory conditions. Research has found that clove oil may have benefits for dental and topical applications, for treating infections, and even fighting cancer.

I first used Clove Oil years ago for a toothache and I was amazed at the results, but also noted that if the oil touched my gum it hurt. It is recommended by some to use some Olive Oil mixed with the Clove Oil to water it down a tad.

First get a small bowl or saucer. Put a drop of Clove Oil and Olive Oil into that.
Get a Cotton Bud and mix and apply to the aching tooth on top.

Just dab it and leave and see what the result is, but if you over do it a drip may find its way to your gum and cause you discomfort.

My bottle of Clove Oil cost possibly $10, I bought it years ago.

But I see that many sell these bottles for over $100 on the Internet.

I suggest shop around locally.

If you have any issues using Clove Oil ask friends, because someone surely has used it for toothache before you. Ask your parents or your friends parents as well.

All the best from

James M Sandbrook.

20th of April, 2021.


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